Songs- 鄭俊弘 Fred Cheng - 忘了嗎 Did You Forget
Hello Everybody! We apologize for our infrequent posts as life gets in the way sometimes. Today, we are sharing our thoughts on Fred's new song, 忘了嗎. It was just released this morning on The Voice Entertainment's Youtube channel. Many people have commented on it already and we personally think that it's a pretty good song. First of all, it's been a while since Fred has had a song other than a TVB theme song so that's exciting. Also, this song really shows Fred's style. It's hard to explain but the moment you hear the voice, you know it belongs to Fred. That is the key to establishing yourself as a singer. We think that if the audience can't recognize your voice, then what's the point? Another thing that's important is the tune of the song, for example it is easy to recognize the first few notes of Beyond's 光輝歲月because it's so powerful. Hong Kong music is lacking this now. Every song kinda sounds the same, same flat tune and there...