Artists-- Pairings We Would Like to See- Round 2!

Can't believe it's already been a year since we first posted Artists-- Pairings We Would Like to See!
This is going to be round 2! After some feedback, we are going to include pairings that are for brotherhood, sisterhood, or romance. We hope you guys enjoy this and please let us know what your thoughts are as well! :)

Also, these pairings might have already been tried before, but it's just that we haven't see them and the pictures are just for entertainment purposes and don't be too critical about them haha.

Starting off with the Brotherhood category!!

1. Kenneth Ma and Tony Hung

Now we know this pairing might throw some people off because acting-wise, they aren't the best choices. Looks wise they're just alright, but personality wise, we think they match. They are both a little mischievous and outspoken. We want to see them in a modern drama being outdoors and playing soccer or something haha. The two of them will definitely create lots of laughs. And just to keep it consistent with last time, we're gonna include their ages respectively as well!

Age: 42 and 32 (Didn't know they had a 10 year age difference... but they still look compatible)

from and

2. Ruco Chan and Sammy Sum

This is a fresh pairing that we would like to see happen sometime soon in TVB. We are thinking more of a modern, thriller drama for the two. No more long lost brothers or anything cliche like that though, maybe something about two young gangsters who are building their way up in two different gangs who are fighting with each other. As they rise up in ranks, they realize that they both have the same mindset and begin to cooperate while still keeping a watchful eye over the other gang since there can be no absolute trust. Something along the lines of that would be fantastic!

Age: 39 and 32


3. Raymond Wong and Chris Lai

This may sound like a super random pairing that we just came up with but we think they're very compatible and versatile actors. They are both primarily second-line actors but we think it's time to give the two more opportunities and what better way than to have the two share leading roles in a new drama. Chris Lai has worked on the set of Come Home Love for many years and it is time for him to play different roles and gain more popularity with the audience. As for Raymond Wong, he was a pleasure to watch in K9 Cops partnering with Bosco Wong, and we are sure that he will create just as many sparks with Chris Lai.

Age: 40 and 35

Sister pairings!

1. Kristal Tin and Rosina Lam

The reason why we chose these two to pair up is because they are both strong actresses that can delivery a wide range of characters. Rosina is still new compared to Kristal, but her acting in MLOR and SEOTS has had us convinced that she is deserving of a leading role. They can both be very comedic but we're looking for some scheming from the two this time. This is not going to be a pair with a good relationship! So far we've thought of Kristal as a strong woman who's trained as a cadet or something and she comes back to Hong Kong to take over her late father's business. She runs her company like an army and Rosina is under her, working long hours for no recognition. Rosina comes from a wealthy family, however, her old defensive and blunt personality caused her to be disowned. In the company, she is an introverted worker, however she is filled with negative thoughts and plans to knock out every soldier Kristal has in place. Well, we know of course, this will never happen! But just hoping for something along the lines of this!! Another version of this could be in an ancient drama as well!

Age: 38 and 28 (Again a 10 year age difference starting the category off)

from and

2. Natalie Tong and Eliza Sam

These two beautiful actresses need to be promoted fast by TVB in order to churn out a new line of fadans. Of course, TVB has Grace Chan, Ali Lee, and Sisley Choi dubbed as the new generation but in our opinion, TVB needs more leading actresses to guarantee a variety of audiences. Natalie has been with TVB for a long time and we think she's got the capability to lead a series. Eliza is a fan favourite and has never realm had any negative news. TVB should definitely promote her and what better way than to put the two actresses together. In our memory, the only ancient dramas Eliza has done are Lady Sour and Under the Veil (we skipped both). Another ancient one for the two would be good since they would look beautiful in the costumes and also because they don't have much opportunities in ancient dramas. We know that Natalie has a few under her belt but they aren't really memorable in our point of view.

Age: 34 and 31


3. Alice Chan and Nancy Wu

This pairing would be a marvel to watch. Last time, when Nancy collaborated with Kristal, they won a double Best Actress in Malaysia! And from Alice Chan's acting ability, its only a matter of luck and time before she gets the Best Actress award. If you've been reading our posts, then you know that we loved Alice Chan in LOS. Ever since her debut at TVB, we've had our eye out for her. Too bad she's always given the same roles in serious dramas. This time around, we're looking for something comedic, along the lines of Frances Mo (Mo Siu Wai) played by Carol Cheng in of the Genders. A warm, light-hearted office comedy would be great for them! Nancy has already shown how natural she is in comedy and this time, we would love her to be a nerdy OL (if the two even go together).

Age: 42 and 34

Romantic couples:

Many things have changed at TVB since our first post. Some of the couples did actually happen but most of them didn't... And who knows if they ever will! Especially after Myolie's, Linda's, and Tavia's marriages. Congrats to them! But let's take a look at what happened with our pairs last year.

Success: Roger and Tavia in The Last Imperial Physician!! Airing as we speak actually! Yay!!


... And that's it. LOL. So of course, Kate left so that couldn't happen. Ron also left, no pair for him. Myolie and Linda got married so no filming much for them. And Edwin did work with Nancy but... Again not romantically. Joey is with Roger again.. We really wanted to see her with Moses. Well. We'll just wait another year and see how it goes. Without further ado, these are our pairings this year. Just 3 to keep the list low so TVB might actually have some of them happen soon.

1. Benjamin Yuen and Ali Lee

Now we know Ali is making it big partnering with Gallen Lo right now. But she needs a younger guy in our opinion and on the other hand, Ben needs more opportunities. He's a good actor but really needs more opportunities to take on new roles and add to his acting. He's one of those potential leading actors in our minds. He was really wooden in The Fixer pertaining to his character but still, he could've done better. Speed of Life was great for him but now in Over Run Over, he's still kinda wooden. Ali is rising fast and it seems dumb to have her with someone below her. But what if they make it big as TVB'S new generation couple. Like how Linda and Raymond were back then. We can already imagine them romantically linked and hope to see a warm romance from TVB.

Age: 34 and 33



2. Vincent Wong and Mandy Wong

Another new couple based on the new line of leading actors here! Although the two have worked on Tiger Cubs I and II together, they were never a pair and, of course Tiger Cubs II only featured flashbacks of Vincent Wong. We think these two would make for a great comedy, especially in ancient times! If Vincent Wong reworks his character in With or Without You and Mandy tweaks her role from Captain of Destiny for an even more polished performance, they would hilarious. If not, we would really like to see something from the 60's or 70's like A Chip off the Old Block or Always and Ever, both starring Mandy herself. TVB hasn't produced much of those and it's always great to see different time periods. As they are both getting more leading roles, we hope this pair will really happen soon!

Age: 32 and 33


3. Mat Yeung and Jacqueline Wong

We are concentrating on the younger generation of TVB actors for the romantic category because we really want to see TVB have a new line ahaha. Mat has been with TVB for a looong time and he deserved to be promoted ASAP! His role in MLOR was very memorable and if not for the scriptwriter's sudden change in character, it would have been 10/10. He has gained a lot of experience through the past decade and deserved way more. Jacqueline on the other hand needs more experience and she always seems to play the annoying sister roles and such. We want to see her try something new as a career minded woman or something like that. She is popular with netizens and should make it big with Mat Yeung! TVB is no longer a place for 40-50 year olds, they are retiring and many actresses are getting married and slowing down their workload. It is time to promote these new people!

Age: 35 and 27


1. Kenny Wong and Mimi Chu

This absolutely ridiculous pair can be for family or for romance ;) We decided on these two because they are polar opposites it seems! Kenny is serious and nonchalant while Mimi is comedic and outspoken. We once joked about Kenny being in a comedy in our The Executioner Thoughts and Opinions (linked)! It would be super fun! If they were family, it would be awesome and very entertaining! It would be absolutely hilarious if they were linked romantically ahaha! We would really like to see this happen! Lots of exclamation marks here as we're super excited about this hahaha.

Age: 52 and 61

2. Pierre Ngo, 6 Wing, and Eric Li

We would love to see these three actors together! Of course Pierre is the more well-known actor of the bunch with his win as Most Improved Actor back in 2009. But since then, there hasn't been much buzz about him which we are not too happy with... he definitely needs to be promoted! 6 Wing... or... what else should we call him? Ohh looks like his real name is Luk Wing-Kuen (new fun fact) and he's got two daughters too!! Enough of his personal info haha. He is a very funny guy and really surprised us as the antagonist in K9 Cops! He was chilling and his character is one to be remembered and he needs more roles haha. Now, Eric Li has been with TVB for.. forever. And it really sucks how he's not promoted! He's a great looking guy with acting chops and all he's missing is more publicity and bigger roles. He's got a heavier role in Dinner @ Eight, but other than that... TVB should promote him! All in all, we want the three of them together being PROMOTED (ok 6 wing has his hip hop gig with C Kwan but still... might as well add C Kwan to the list!) This is crazy but I think it'd be interesting to have a triple male lead as a rookie/(almost turning veteran) drama.

Age: 39, 33, and 39 (side comment... wow... Pierre and Eric NEED TO BE PROMOTED FAST)

3. Vivien Yeo, Jess Sum, and Yoyo Chen

Last trio! Again, same with the one above. These actresses need to be PROMOTED! They've all been with TVB for a WHILE and they're beautiful girls that deserve more roles! Jess was great in Lord of Shanghai and she's slowly getting more recognition. So is Vivien after her role in Ghost of Relativity and Fashion War. Yoyo hasn't had much roles lately but we thought that she was excellent in Short End of the Stick. She used to have more roles but we think that TVB might've stopped her work because she did have some negative rumours and now she has a daughter too. Anyways, they are all deserving of more opportunities! If the trio down here paired with the trio up there... we would be thrilled to say the very least! 

Age: 31, 31, and 34 (Vivien and Yoyo were in Sunshine Heartbeat (a rookie drama back in 2004) but nothing big has happened since then for them)

Well, that's all for this round! Hope you enjoyed reading the small pictures we included! Again, don't take them too seriously as they are just for laughs. Please let us know who you would like to see and if you agree or disagree with any of our pairings! Stay tuned and share our blog as always! 



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