劇集 “殭" 曲 - Blue Veins Songs (Kay Tse, Hubert Wu, Stephanie Ho)

Hey everyone!

This is out newest review of the three songs in the drama, Blue Veins. Sorry it's like a whole week late, we've just been super busy and haven't had any time to work on any posts :(

The main theme song is 諸神混亂 by 謝安琪, Kay Tse. The ending theme song is 天地不容 by Hubert Wu and the sub song is The Only One by 何雁詩 Stephanie Ho. *UPDATE* -April 23. A lot of people seem to be looking for this english sub song too! It's called My Love by Larry May and Hugh Colocott. Seems like TVB is pulling all its guns out for this drama against their rival station, Viu TV.

First up is... of course Kay's theme song for this drama!

We are going to very direct about this, we do not like this song. It's really different but this time, different isn't good. For some reason, Kay's voice does not suit this song or perhaps, Kay's voice put beside the lyrics and the arrangement of the song isn't very fitting. Maybe that was the intent of this song, to cause uneasiness as this drama is about vampires and Kay is playing a vampire in the drama. As we understand it, this is a different team of songwriters and lyricists than the normal Voice Entertainment ones hence the different style.

The intro music part is good but when she starts singing its like what? The music seems to way too loud for her soft and high voice. The only part we think is creepy enough WHILE matching her voice is the bridge so basically the part starting from 2:50. And suddenly at 3:20 it goes back super loud to the chorus. We can't decide if that was a good decision or a bad one from the people who arranged this. Like, good as in it sure scared some people pertaining to the drama but bad as in it does not fit very well song wise. The whole tune although more evident this time than the Dinner @ Eight theme, is really weird. We keep saying weird but that's what this really is. Maybe a few more listens will get this "warmed up" in our brains? But we highly doubt it. Lyrics wise, half the time we don't know what she's saying and when we read it we don't understand some of it so there's nothing to say. It's ok. Meh for the theme and everything. On Kay's part, she sang it alright but it sounds super hard to sing live. We'll see how she does with it. There's some tricky spots especially with the tune of the song, very hard to hit all those notes right on the spot.

謝安琪 Kay - 諸神混亂 (劇集 “殭" 主題曲) Official Audio 

曲/編/監: 周國賢/Goro Wong
詞: 梁栢堅

正 是要為邪出現
沒冥殿 誰升仙
或戰 或騙 或佔

臉 像抱琵琶半遮面
或箭 或扇 或劍

誰話變就變 盡變
瞬間已不顧一切 摧毀了盟誓
誰又要內戰 混戰

別生死 吐靈魂 盡數天問
欲借今生看前塵 沒血卻見兵刃
用清水 破俗塵 留下烙印
母體出生 添血痕 人間苦內困
(諸法亂神 未看真 不見不理不會不受困)

困 為了自由出現
沒智慮 誰膚淺
沒法 沒相

誰話變就變 盡變
瞬間已不顧一切 摧毀了盟誓
誰又要內戰 混戰

別生死 吐靈魂 盡數天問
欲借今生看前塵 沒血卻見兵刃
用清水 破俗塵 留下烙印
母體出生 添血痕 無常內被困

典 經 法 為邪定界
色 空 相 怎樣理解
解 亂置好與壞
花 盡吐恩與義

別生死 吐靈魂 盡數天問
欲借今生看前塵 沒血卻見兵刃
用清水 破俗塵 留下烙印
母體出生 添血痕 無常內被困
(諸法亂神 未看真 不見不理不會不受困)
(諸法亂神 未看真)
諸法空相空見 無光暗

In our opinion Hubert has the best song this round! It's very traditional TVB if you can call it that. Nothing spectacular but it's not bad. It plays at the right time during some scenes but we hope they don't keep brainwashing us with it... like how TVB has done in the past. The melody is alright, not much of a melody actually... just some beats in our opinion (this is like with all TVB in-house theme songs though). Nothing too memorable. The lyrics are adequate in conveying it's meaning and we fully understand this song unlike Kay's. The only thing that we do not like about this song is how Hubert takes a breath between like every phrase in the verses. Actually, a second listen tells us this is happening throughout the whole song. Now we can't unlisten that breathing, ahh. He hits the high notes well as always and generally, it's a good recording. Well, of course it's good if it's already been edited, what are we even saying? haha.

Overall it's an alright song which is why we rank it as the best. It's more "listenable" and easy on the ears after a long day. Not only that, but you can listen to this song even after the show is over and it would blend right into your day. But with Kay's it's like... where in the world would this fit? Once the show is done, that song is done for.

胡鴻鈞 Hubert - 天地不容 (劇集 “殭" 片尾曲) Official Audio

曲/編: 徐洛鏘
詞: 張美賢
監: 何哲圖、韋景雲

既是如此冷靜 為何動了情
每次快哭泣 我會合上眼睛
似是前生注定 為尋覓著你身影
名字身份聲音個性 串起這宿命

一生都冷清 讓我一次任性
急速心跳聲 睡去的 都要甦醒

難道天空海闊 沒寸土容納心聲
為著等你回應 全城亦要為我安靜
難道天邊海角 沒處可逃避黑影
敢跨過懸崖絕嶺 以生命成就愛情

結局塵埃已定 仍懷念過程
細節已冰封 錯對沒法說清
既是前生注定 願陪伴著你身影
迷路終可找到引領 漆黑也會有星

一生都冷清 直到失去耐性
急速心跳聲 睡去的 都要甦醒

難道天空海闊 沒寸土容納心聲
為著等你回應 全城亦要為我安靜
難道天邊海角 沒處可逃避黑影
想起你明明在笑 我總是紅著眼睛

難道天空海闊 沒寸土容納心聲
為著等你回應 全城沒有別個比我堅定
難道天邊海角 沒處可逃避黑影
敢跨過懸崖絕嶺 這感動原是愛情

Last but not least is Stephanie Ho's English sub-theme song. Now this one surprised us a bit being English and all. But no worries! We're happy with it. The moment the music went on, our minds screamed jazz haha. It's a wonderful, warming arrangement of the saxophone. We really like this melody because... it actually sorta has one? We have yet to hear it on the drama and we hope it weaves right into the scene smoothly. Sounds more like the Netherlands parts to us though. This song reminds us of being by the fireplace on a cold, wintry, snowy day. That is a huge plus because sooo many songs nowadays create no image or feeling anymore.

The lyrics again are adequate, nothing too poetic :( Our issue lies with some of the specific words that don't really seem to fit the note. It sounds a bit forced and Stephanie just sang with what she had to work with. For example, we had difficulty hearing the "without" in "I feel so lonely without you". Of course, we knew what she was going to say and what she meant but the word just does not belong on that note in our opinion. Other than that, great English from Stephanie. She has a beautiful, pure voice and we're happy to see Voice Ent. using her more. But also, Kayee Tam and Auston Lam deserves more songs too!

何雁詩 Stephanie - The Only One (劇集 “殭" 插曲) Official Audio

作曲 / 編曲 :張家誠
作詞:John Laudon
監製:何哲圖 / 韋景雲

For you I gave my life, my everything,
you were my reason why
And you were true to me
and in our darkest hour,
your love set me free

You were the only one for me,
what love was meant to be
Forever you will be my love, all I need
Our dreams of life together gone,
I don’t know what went wrong
I will miss you forever my love

I feel so lonely without you
I don’t know what to do
Cause you were everything to me, yeah it’s true
The light that shined into my life
The fire that stirs desire
Burning out like a flame in the night

You were the only one for me,
what love was meant to be
Forever you will be my love, all I need
Our dreams of life together gone,
I don’t know what went wrong
I will miss you forever my love

And now, I walk alone
An empty heart, the precious moments gone
But I know that you are there
one day when heaven calls, I’ll see you again
when heaven calls, I’ll see you again

Let us know what you think down below! And also if you guys are watching the drama as well :)

UPDATE! - April 23. The english sub theme is called My Love by Larry May and Hugh Colocott. Here is the video!


  1. do u know the song's title in beginning of the ep9... the english song?

  2. Hey! It's My Love – Larry May & Hugh Colocott. Link is here :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN3CdKjFmfQ

  3. Do u know the music played by piano everything kevin cheng together with Kay.. Nice piano song

  4. I think Kay's song is very, very strange, especially the beginning part. The transition (or lack of) into the chorus is like "whoa did the video just skip to a new song" because they are almost 2 completely different styles. It very well does accomplish providing a mysterious and scary scene if that's what it intended to do! I just kinda skip over it because I can't really grasp it even after listening to it over and over again.
    I also think Hubert got the best song of the 3, but like you mentioned, the breathing is slightly distracting, although it's not as evident as some other singers. Could be because this is a fast-ish song but not entirely fast so he almost has to breath constantly? Idk but he never really is known for fast songs, so it's a good try on his part. I do see why they gave this song to him as opposed to Fred (who probably is more suitable for fast songs) due to the constant accelerating up to higher notes, which is what Hubert excels at. Time for a break for him though, from Last Healer's theme to this subtheme, and almost the Daddy Dearest theme would be 3 consecutive songs. Auston and Kayee should get more opportunities for sure!
    As for Stephanie's song, I only heard it once and it was when Kay sang it in the drama LOL. Stephanie does have good English though and her song does have more of a melody. Hope it gets played in the drama soon!

    I've been watching the drama, but there's nothing too much going on yet, so, don't really have much to comment about other than it's good that TVB is finally trying a new type of storyline. They need more creativity nowadays.

  5. P.S. Kay and Hubert's performances in the drama aren't bad either!

  6. Hey! Thanks for the comment and yeah we skip the song at the beginning too. It's too weird for us. But so far, I'm personally finding it slow and boring. The young group of uni students don't make sense either with their unlimited supply of money to fly to Amsterdam like every other week! Wish I had that source! I also liked Kay's version of The Only One better than Stephanie's. Oh myyy! We both know about all of Hubert's theme songs and it's getting irritating that the Voice Ent only uses the same artists OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Another Fred song for the Mafia Retirement Plan... sighs. Hopefully the story gets better and the Voice Ent will use different singers.

  7. When i hear this songs 胡鴻鈞 Hubert - 天地不容 (劇集 “殭" 片尾曲)
    I feel this movie will end not happy


  8. Anyone know where can I find other instrumental background music that play throughout the drama?

  9. Hey @Sharmaine Sorry, we've tried finding it but had no luck,

    we did find this one youtuber who's got some TVB background music, like this one




    that's the best we could do :( Sorry about that

  10. Hey, just letting you all know we found Kay's version of The Only One here:


  11. Does anyone know the title of the korean song or the name of the drama in ep 23 around 4:00~4:21


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