Awards - Starhub TVB Awards 2016 Thoughts!

Hello everyone!

It is that time of the year again!! Awards season at TVB! We are so excited to let you know about the winners and our thoughts about them. We can't believe how fast this year went by and how many dramas have aired with the new MySuperTV and the changed broadcast days everyday including weekends for one time slot. With that said, let's take a look at the winners this year.

My Favourite TVB Actor:

Ruco Chan from A Fist Within Four Walls


Wayne Lai from Short End of the Stick

Okay... woah. DOUBLE WINNERS? Ruco winning this we definitely understand since that was pretty much the drama with the most hype and Ruco did a fantastic job in it with all the fight scenes and especially his comedic scenes with Nancy. We already knew he was going to get this award but we are a little shocked that there are two winners. Is it because last year for Astro they gave it to both Nancy and Kristal that now everyone thinks its acceptable to hand out prizes to everyone? Wayne's role in SEOTS was just alright. Of course he is a wonderful actor and everything but judging by the fact that this is voter based and some of it is by a panel of judges, we are thinking that the panel just decided to give it to Wayne as well. Really at this point we see no point in giving it to Wayne when he could get an award with all the other male characters. However, they are both worthy of this title.

My Favourite TVB Actress:

Nancy Wu from A Fist Within Four Walls

This came to no surprise and we are happy that she got to win at Starhub this year for this role. Last year, it really came down to the fat that there were no other strong contenders hence her win at TVB for a mediocre role. This however was a wonderful performance from Nancy.

My Favourite TVB Supporting Actor:

Raymond Cho from Short End of the Stick

We were thinking either he would win or Power Chan for their roles as eunuchs in SEOTS. We loved his role in this drama and he brought a lot of laughs!! We are really happy to see him get recognized after many years of acting in supporting roles with TVB.

My Favourite TVB Supporting Actress:

Rosina Lan from Short End of the Stick

Ahh the on-screen couples receiving awards together!! Rosina has really come a long way since her debut in TVB with mediocre performances. We first started liking her in A Momentary Lapse of Reason for handling her complex character really well. However, this tom-boyish role was just a natural for her and we even thought she reminded us of Raymond Lam in some gestures during her characterization of Kam Dai-Lam. We are looking forward to seeing more of her!

My Favourite TVB Female Character:

Kristal Tin from Brother's Keeper 2 - We dropped this show after 5 episodes and it is just a reprise of her old role so we have no comments

Mandy Wong from Law Disorder - We would say that Mandy's character was likeable but sometimes despicable... although Mandy acted very mature and natural in this drama, the character is lacking depth? or just the aura that could make it step forward to being on a Best Actress level. With that said this drama was heavily dependent on Liu Kai Chi and Alex Fong so it is great that she got an award.

Alice Chan from Lord of Shanghai - In all honesty, we wanted her to win at the TVB awards last year instead of Nancy, Kristal, or even Liza! We are so glad she got recognized here because her performance was absolutely splendid even though her character was so complex and had many relationships with the other characters. It's too bad she hasn't had any other roles lately that give her more opportunities to shine.

Grace Wong from A Fist Within Four Walls - We really enjoyed watching her on screen this summer. She was beautiful yet strong and portrayed the broken girl Chiu Ha very well. We loved her relationship with Ben Yuen in the drama and hope TVB promotes her more and allows her to try different roles.

Selena Li from Presumed Accidents - Uhhh... this might have just been a fan-base voter thing because we did not really enjoy her character or her performance here. Mostly due to the sudden shifts in plot and her having handled three different roles, we did not enjoy this (these) character(s).

Tracy Chu from Over Run Over - As her first leading role, we were very impressed with her acting skills in this drama. We did write a full length review for this drama here if you want to check out more details on what we thought on her character but overall, we are happy she got an award. Too bad she's advancing her education at university so we won't be able to see more of her in the near future.

My Favourite TVB Male Character:

Edwin Siu from Brother's Keeper 2 - Again we have no comment on anything to do with BK2 except for the fact that it was far too long and we have even heard that the villain played by Hugo Ng became the main character so... lol. This award is probably from the votes from fans.

Benjamin Yuen from A Fist Within Four Walls - Although we loved his character and we really want Ben Yuen to act in bigger roles, he has to step up his acting because it was still quite wooden here. He is great to watch and we know that he has the desire to keep working his way up to leading status but we have our concerns.

Moses Chan from Fashion War - ... what? LOL no comment.

Kenneth Ma from Lord of Shanghai - Hmm... Aside from the fact that he was dubbed in this drama, it has to be one of his better performances in recent years. At least this was not for Inspector Gourmet because that was just horrible! All he did was run around chasing Eliza. Again this is from the fans and we really want Kenneth to step it up or have some new character or he is just going to be gone in our books for good TVB leading actors.

Bobby Au-Yeung  from House of Spirits - We are surprised that he is the only winner from this drama since it was well received by viewers. Bobby was standard and great! Well-deserved!

Vincent Wong from Over Run Over - So happy he won! Many people do not like his acting and think that he is a little OTT and excessive but we find him funny and very expressive. Kwan Ding-Ming was one of our favourite male characters this year outside of A Fist Within Four Walls so we are happy that he is going to have a chance to film grand productions like Heart of Greed 3!

My Favourite TVB Drama:

A Fist Within Four Walls

Needless to say, this drama was the favourite! It was our favourite as well! Even our friends who are from HK and don't watch TVB had to give this one a thumbs up! We are just so incredibly sorry we didn't have a chance to give you guys a proper full review after our two weekly reviews in August! We have just been so busy with our own work this past month or so and we hope that we still remember everything when we are free so that we can sit down and write a review for everyone! But if you have not seen out weekly reviews, please feel free to check them out for more detailed thoughts on this drama. What really worked for us in this drama were the characters. Although the plot had some inconsistencies and the ending was quite abrupt and anticlimactic in our opinion, we thought overall the story was worth chasing. We also like the new sets TVB made and hope to see more variety in their filming locations.

My Favourite TVB Variety Programme:

Eating Well With Madam Wong - Singapore Edition

We did not watch this but seeing this is the Singapore Edition, we can see why it won.

My Favourite TVB Infotainment Programme:

Not Far but Near, Cuba.

We have been noticing that Tony's travel shows are really popular and get a lot of awards and positive reviews but we have not seen a single one so no comment.

My Favourite TVB Theme Song:

"Never Know You Are The Best" - Nancy Wu and Ruco Chan

This was a great duet from the on-screen couple and we still listen to it today! Happy it won and VERY HAPPY it wasn't given to some of the Voice Ent big hits like Hubert who... is... AGAIN singing the Two Steps From Heaven theme song right after the Law Disorder one and we can't even tell them apart yet since they all sound the same.

My Favourite TVB On-Screen Couple:

.... Drumroll please for the expected winner(s)!

Ruco Chan and Nancy Wu!

This was an automatic win because there weren't other strong contenders for this award and also because the two had amazing chemistry in the drama. We especially loved their comedic scenes together and our favourite one has to be the one where Nancy fights with them in the ring and ends up just taking advantage of touching Ben while Ruco just stands back and laughs. We also really liked the scene where Ruco had overdosed on cocaine (we think) and Nancy saves him. This scene reminded us of the scene where Charmaine had to save Raymond in Line Walker and seeing that it was the same producer, no surprises.

Benjamin Yuen and Grace Wong!!

Another tie win!! We loved this couple so much as well! So sad that they couldn't end up together and hwo they had such a tragic ending before their wedding day. We thought it was cute how they used to know each other as young kids and ended up being a couple as they grew old.

My Favourite TVB Variety Show Host:

Dodo Cheng and FAMA in Do Did Eat. This has got to be the only show we actually sat through haha. It was quite a good laugh and really interesting as well. We noticed that Dodo and FAMA were the emcees so um. They were giving themselves awards? LOL that is a little awkward and poorly planned but ok. Overall we think that they're just a funny team!

Best New TVB Artiste:

Matthew Ho - We don't really see him on screen too much and honestly don't like him much  the times we do see him. He is a little too soft spoken for stronger roles and we just cannot imagine him taking on manipulative roles and especially disliked him in Brick Slaves. His voice is a little naggy especially when he called his mom pig muck (Chu Muck) instead of Chu Ma. Hopefully he improves lol.

Moon Lau - She has got to be our favourite new actress! She really should have gotten more recognition before her MHK sisters Sisley and Grace because so far, there has not been a single role in which we have not liked from her. She has been natural and consistent, while being cute as Audrey in AFWFW and mature in Blue Veins. Perhaps it is good that she didn't get too much limelight as she started so that she could really work on her acting with small but frequent roles. We do hope she gets recognition at the TVB awards as well!!

Most Improved Artiste:

Mat Yeung - WOW, about time haha. He has been acting for over a decade now and finally is able to snatch the NEW TVB ARTISTE AWARD? Great! We have been enjoying his performances through the years from the Be Home for Dinner sitcom days to more bad boy or ex prisoner roles. Hopefully he gets more roles soon!!

Ali Lee - This was pretty much an automatic win haha. She did well in Law Disorder and although her character was hard to play without coming off as an annoying, naive rich girl we had no complaints. She could have totally ruined the role and especially since she was put beside such well known male leads. We hope we can see more emotional roles from her next time.

BottomSlim The Perfect Figure Award:

Rosina Lam.

Tokyo Bust Express the Sassy Award:

Tracy Chu.

We have no comments for those two awards.

Overall this awards show was great. We have not had the chance to watch it yet but we are happy with most of the winners besides some of the My Favourite Character ones and were surprised with the two double awards. Next time, we hope they don't do that anymore since an award is an award for the ultimate winner. Until next time with the TVB Star Malaysia Awards!


 Some more pictures from the event!


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