CeeJay's Pick of the Month (January) - 周杰倫 Jay Chou (with 楊瑞代) - 等你下課

Hello there!

With the end of January approaching fast, we have selected a new Pick of the Month. This time, we have Jay Chou's newest single 等你下課 sung with Gary Yang chosen. We love the simplicity of this song which paints a story of a high school boy waiting around and wishing to be noticed by the girl he likes. The lyrics are very straightforward and doesn't contain the same poetic feel that we get from some older Jay songs, but is effective in conveying the honest and uncomplicated emotions of this school boy in love with a girl. The only criticism we have would be the instrumentals in the middle of the song which are a bit awkward, giving an unnecessary extra Asian cultural texture to the song. The lyric video accompanying the song uses a series of animations to create the scenes of this cute, bittersweet story, and we think it is the perfect touch to the song. We can imagine that this would be a very relatable song for anyone who has been through the phase of school crushes. Once again, the whole piece is very simple, but here, Jay Chou shows how there's no need to create some fancy, artistic video that nobody gets for a song to be praised, evident with the countless views the song has already gotten. Be sure to give it a try!


你住的巷子裡 我租了一間公寓
高中三年 我爲什麽 爲什麽不好好讀書

我找了份工作 離你宿舍很近
當我開始學會做蛋餅 才發現你不吃早餐
喔 你又擦肩而過
你耳機聽什麽 能不能告訴我

教室裡的燈 還亮著你沒走
都什麽年代了 到現在我還在寫著

總有一天 總有一年 會發現
當你收到情書 也代表我已經走遠

更多更詳盡歌詞 在魔鏡歌詞網 
學校旁的廣場 我在這等鐘聲響
彈著琴 唱你愛的歌 暗戀一點都不痛苦

我唱這麽走心 卻走不進你心裡
在人來人往找尋著你 守護著你不求結局
喔 你又擦肩而過
我唱告白氣球 終於你回了頭

教室裡的燈 還亮著你沒走
都什麽年代了 到現在我還在寫著

總有一天 總有一年 會發現
當你收到情書 也代表我已經走遠

Lyrics retrieved from: https://mojim.com/twy100951x32x1.htm

-CeeJay :)


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