CeeJay's Pick of the Month (May) - AGA and Supper Moment

Hello everyone,

After taking our second break from the Pick of the Month, we're back for some fresh new songs in the cantopop industry. We've got 2 songs we liked this month and we'll be talking about both of them to make up for the missed month of April.

The first one is by AGA 江海迦 and the song's name is《小問題》.
We usually like AGA's songs and especially admire her for doing the songwriting as well as the singing. Her demos are usually done in English and then she works with a lyricist to come up with Chinese lyrics to her songs. They work out pretty well actually but this song has some fast singing parts that we're sure would be hard for her to sing live. In her past performances, they've been quite weak and she's not able to re-produce the same sound from her recordings even if it looks like she's trying really hard.

So about this song, the title basically translates to "Little Problem" and she's saying that a breakup is just a little problem. We particularly like this lyric: 我不要雙眼承受雨季 in the chorus because its saying she's not going to let her eyes go through a rainy season. It's as poetic as the lyrics get because the rest of it is pretty straightforward. This probably resonates well with people who have gone through a breakup and are putting it behind them and living more vicariously than before to make up for the time lost. 

The MV is retro inspired, we don't really understand why because it could've been done in a modern way but doesn't matter to us. They used a Blackberry during the MV though which doesn't go with the crazy permed hairstyles that fit the 80's more. 

This is the MV:

曲 : AGA江海迦
詞 : 陳詠謙   
編 : T-Ma 馬敬恆 
監 : 舒文@Zoo Music

失戀的深呼吸 想一想他的缺失
想到心態有些轉變 變出手裡眼線筆
穿起高踭取悅人 香檳一杯一杯的注入眼神 

誰管他專一不專一 今天不想記得
即使寫不出下文 得到恍恍惚惚的美麗印痕


關於失戀的問題 請不用提
只須很悉心的設計 裝飾我這身體
失戀這小問題 我不要雙眼承受雨季
關於失戀的問題 他的後遺
只須很瀟灑的破費 修葺我每處枯萎
失戀這好問題 我只得這一點智慧

寧願貪一刻的開心 不想跟他對質
多麼束身的薄裙 得寵好好醜醜感覺像個人


關於失戀的問題 請不用提
只須很悉心的設計 裝飾我這身體
失戀這小問題 我不要雙眼承受雨季
關於失戀的問題 他的後遺
只須很瀟灑的破費 修葺我每處枯萎
失戀這好問題 我只得這一點智慧

做甚麼東西都未滅絕惡夢裡的你那句散開 離開

關於失戀的問題 請不用提
即管很悉心的設計 裝飾我這身體
失戀這小問題 我不要雙眼承受雨季
關於失戀的問題 他的後遺
即管很瀟灑的破費 修葺我每處枯萎
失戀這好問題 我歸家好好想半世

Our second song is from Supper Moment and we heard that they've been working on a new album for years so it's exciting to hear new songs from them! They've got a feel to them that inspires you to get up and rock on with them. They do exactly what a band is supposed to, lead people to bob their heads or sway to the beat with them. This new song is about having a blank canvas to paint your life on, use your colours and your love to paint it. The MV highlights the beauty of Hong Kong and everything that goes into making it the vibrant city it is. It's a song to Hong Kong's citizens, recognizing them for what they've done and how strong they can be through metaphors like this one: 如螻蟻力挺枯草 (like an ant holding up grass).

The beat kinda reminds us of Coldplay's Strawberry Swing linked below and another rendition done by Frank Ocean. Especially around 3:15 for Frank Ocean's version with the ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh... humming in the background. But Supper Moment's song has a more modern feel to it with some new electro effects. 

Composed by Supper Moment
Lyrics by Supper Moment
Arranged by Adrian Chan, Supper Moment, 王雙駿
Produced by Adrian Chan, 王雙駿
Mixed by Matthew Sim
Additional and Backing Vocals by Sunny and 陳韞

祢創造這太空  浮游失重
越過大氣外  探索黑洞
祢折射了暖光  融和冰封
驟降做雨露  冷卻溫度
You could see what you wanna be
You could see where you gonna be
You could see who you wanna see 
祢塑造了赤土 芸芸山峰
地殼在震動. 拼湊高度
repeat *
You could see what you wanna be
You could see where you gonna be
You could see who you wanna see 

Coldplay - Strawberry Swing

Frank Ocean - Strawberry Swing 

Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoyed the songs! Let us know what you think in the comments! 

- Cee and Jay


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